fluorite heart with tree of life necklace

fluorite heart tree of life


The heart of spiritual peace and wholeness

Amazing and rare fluorite heart. The range of colors are from white, purples and translucent makes this an interesting stone and a wonderful display of colors.

The fluorite heart is set in a hand sculptured tree to enhance your roots to of spiritual and wholeness to your heart.

The heart pendant is centered on a hand woven chain with rose quarts hearts and 6mm purple fluorite beads.

Chakras - Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac - Capricorn, Pisces

Typical colours - Colorless, white, purple, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, brownish-yellow, pink or red.

Fluorite cleanses and stabilizes the aura.  It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress.  An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making.  It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. Fluorite boosts the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of cells, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds.  Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries.  In crystal healing Fluorite can be placed on the Brow Chakra. It is reputed to be a powerful healer and is believed to be good at fending off colds and flu, reducing the pain of arthritis

price: $ 155.00

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